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Vacant Land
Govt/Ag - North Shore
5+ Acres of Wall-to-Wall Ocean Views ag land, include 3 ag accessories structures, a greenhouse, a 72’x144’ riding arena with sand/gravel base, over 250 trees, and 385' of Rockwall fronting the property with a 30’ motorized gate. It features an evapotranspiration wastewater system per DOH requirements, an agricultural water distribution system for the entire property with 16 zones for crop management, and Tesla battery solar system. Ag Building #1 – 24’x32’ open structure with 12x12 overhead door access for machines. Slab on grade. Ag Building #2 – 25’x40’ with storage loft. 925 sf wrap-around covered lean-to (lanai). Exterior bathroom with toilet and shower rinse off. A 2500-gallon water tank supplies the building with commercial UV water filtration system, and commercial propane water heater powered by a 120-gallon propane tank. It also has a break room/crop prep with a sink, refrigeration, and range/oven, powered by propane, and an indoor unisex toilet room. Ag building #3 – 32’x45’, two containers built into a barn structure. It is an open-framed building, the exterior is finished, the interior is unfinished for animal storage, feed storage, materials, and equipment.
64-486 Kamehameha Highway 23 Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Homes International (808) 949-0020
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