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Single Family Home in Kawailoa-North Shore - North Shore Oahu
Located on the most coveted street on the North Shore of Oahu, this beachfront estate is the premier offering in Haleiwa, Hawai’i. Set on an oceanfront lot traversing over a half acre, this compound encompasses elegant living while embracing the barefoot luxury lifestyle of the North Shore. Stepping into this private sanctuary, soaring ceilings and an expansive open floor plan invite stunning ocean views throughout the interior, epitomizing the Hawaiian ethos of indoor-outdoor living. Comprised of a main home and two large guest homes perfectly situated, designed with both privacy and entertaining in mind, the oceanfront property embraces wellness, an active lifestyle, and relaxation with an infinity edged pool, hot tub nestled into the mature tropical landscape, plus miles of beaches and community paths closeby. Situated along the esteemed Papailoa Road, the residence delivers more than just a prestigious address—it offers an unparalleled experience of Hawai’i. For those in pursuit of an oasis of a home that encapsulates the essence of island elegance and peace, this private sanctuary stands alone.
61-785 Papailoa Road Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Deep Blue Hi (808) 896-3613
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