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Condo in Kuilima - North Shore Oahu
Discover the allure of Oahu's north shore, where each sunrise paints the sky in golden hues and every wave whispers tales of adventure. Nestled beside the newly revamped Turtle Bay resort, this sanctuary offers the essence of Hawaiian paradise. Indulge in sun-soaked days and golf escapades on the Fazio course. Retreat to a spacious one-bedroom, two-bathroom haven with a loft featuring three full-size beds. Feel the tropical breeze and savor ocean dips just steps away. Enjoy gated security, manicured landscapes, pools, BBQ’s, tennis courts, and all overseen by a resident manager. One of the few legal vacation rentals on the North Shore, primed for short-term stays. Vaulted ceiling leaves room for a generous-sized loft sleeping area. This unit is booked regularly and challenging to get into. Added bonus, bedroom and bath can be a separate lockout unit. Total square footage is approximately 1,169, this includes the 322 s.q. ft. loft, non-permitted. Financials upon request.
57-120 Lalo Kuilima Way 110 Kahuku 96731 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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