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Condo in Kuilima - North Shore Oahu
Exquisite fully-furnished one bedroom, one bath ground floor unit located at Kuilima Estates East on the North Shore of Oahu. Completely renovated in 2020, this gorgeous space has everything you need to relax and enjoy your time on the island. All of the furnishings are brand new and were carefully selected to create a serene and relaxing environment. The living room features a Pottery Barn queen sleeper sofa, a Smart TV with cable and Apple TV and a countertop height dining table with chairs. The room extends into an enclosed lanai which overlooks the golf course; a perfect setting for your morning coffee or relaxing after a day of exploring the island. The bedroom features a Serena and Lily queen bed with a plush Beautyrest mattress and Hotel Collection sheets. Kuilima Estates East offers two swimming pools, tennis/pickelball courts, and world class beaches nearby for swimming, snorkeling, surfing, beach walks, and more. It's close proximity to the newly renovated Turtle Bay Resort, Lei Lei's, the Arnold Palmer Championship golf course are also wonderful added perks. Ideal for your families North Shore weekend beach home or rent out as a legal vacation rental.
57-120 Lalo Kuilima Way 435 Kahuku 96731 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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