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Condo in Kuilima - North Shore Oahu
Newly remodeled legal vacation rental offers the best of island living. Located on the world-renowned Arnold Palmer and Fazio-designed golf courses, this elegantly decorated unit boasts breathtaking golf course views and the mountains behind them. This turnkey-ready Airbnb business is fully equipped with all the necessities, with most everything included, new appliances, sleek finishes, and a modern, yet cozy design that blends comfort and sophistication. With a proven track record of profitability, this property is ready to generate income from day one while offering guests a world-class vacation experience. Immerse yourself in the true essence of the North Shore—world-class beaches, thrilling surfing spots, scenic hiking trails, horseback riding, and renowned restaurants await your discovery. Amenities include access to two swimming pools, tennis courts, and gated entry and for fishing enthusiasts, the crystal-clear waters of the area provide some of the best opportunities for an unforgetable catch. After a day of adventure, unwind on the beach at the Ritz-Carlton Resort at Turtle Bay or an island-inspired meal/drink at Lei Leis Bar & Grill or Beach House by Roy Yamaguchi.
57-91 Lalo Kuilima Place 4/39 Kahuku 96731 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Image Properties (808) 870-1009
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