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Single Family Home in Pupukea - North Shore Oahu
Nestled on a perimeter lot in the highly sought-after Pupukea, this stunning 4-bdrm, 3-bthrm with pleasant mt/valley views. This home offers an incredible blend of architectural design, privacy, & serene surroundings. This 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom property, differs from tax records due to thoughtful expansions & upgrades. A true labor of love! Custom details & finishes such as a mantle w/ wood burning fireplace and unique Japanese inspired bath. The downstairs could be a large in-law/rental unit with its own entrance. Custom finishes! Floor plan includes expansive living areas that flow seamlessly, great for relaxed island living. The open-concept layout, vaulted ceilings, & large windows, brings the outdoors in. Enjoy the mt views from the partially & covered decks on both levels, or play a round of basketball outside. Bring your contractor & add your own final personal touches to call this place your own home. Seller is also including a full working carpenter’s workshop with stationary power tools included in the garage. Dont forget: 24 PV panels, new solar thermal hot water heater. Enjoy an abundance of fruit trees: lychee, avocado, tangerine & orange, banana, breadfruits trees!
59-555 Akanoho Place Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Creative Properties Realty (808) 271-1013
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