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Single Family Home
Sunset Area - North Shore
Front and center at Pipeline ~ absolutely unbeatable view into the most famous wave in the world! Relax in the comfort of your living room, downstairs open lanai, upstairs bedroom lanai or beautifully landscaped yard and watch the best surfers in the world take on this incredible iconic wave. This home has had only one adoring owner for 35 years and has been meticulously maintained as a family home. From first glance, the home will reveal that it has always been carefully maintained with detail, love and gratitude. From the cedar shake exterior siding and roof to the koa floors inside, high-quality appliances AND legal seawall you will feel surrounded by a sense of confidence, charm & security. Also includes outside hot water shower. This turn-key, well-built, fully-furnished beautiful home and property is available now. Shown to qualified Buyers by appointment only. Listing agent must be present.
59-377 Ke Nui Road Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 667-5028
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