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Single Family Home in Sunset/Velzy - North Shore Oahu
NEW PHOTOS ADDED! Take another look at this now with virtually staged photos. This home is a blank canvas waiting for the buyer who knows a special home when they see it! First time on the market for this original Sunset Beach home! A little updating would make this the North Shore home you have always dreamed of. There is easy access to Velzyland, Sunset Beach, Backyards, and many other legendary North Shore surfing spots. Nearby is the Ke Ala Pupukea bike path, which offers approximately 3 miles of easy, scenic pathway access to snorkeling, surfing, Sunset Beach Elementary School, food trucks and grocery shopping. Check out the VS pictures to help see the potential of this great home. Keep the vintage feel or create your own personal paradise in this truly classic Sunset Beach home made for casual coastal living. This home is located near the end of a cul-de-sac street so there is minimal traffic and sits in a sought after neighborhood. It is fully fenced and has a large carport. It's ideal for those with children, pets, those looking for space to create a personal training/fitness corner, maker's space or shape to your own unique home setting.
58-141 Wehiwa Place Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Moore Real Estate Llc (808) 741-1107
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