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Single Family Home in Sunset/Velzy - North Shore Oahu
Immerse yourself in luxury with this fully renovated home on a tranquil street of Oahu's North Shore, designed with high-end furniture tailored for every space. This turnkey property comes fully furnished and features two distinct units: the main house with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, including a separate primary suite accessible from the pool deck with its own full bathroom, enhancing privacy and luxury. This main house also has a 1 car garage with a new, modern garage door. The upper unit adds an exclusive touch with its own entrance, deck, and a spa-like bathroom complete with a rainfall shower and freestanding tub. Beneath this unit is a massive carport big enough for a boat. Steps from Sunset Beach (with deeded access!), this home is perfect for those who value refined living in a prime location. Ideal for buyers looking for a sophisticated, fully furnished residence. Other amenities include 2 sets of washers and dryers, 6 split AC units, a bonus room with high ceilings and a half bath, new exterior gates, 2 enclosed storage rooms, and custom closet systems. Full upgrade list available soon!
58-307 Kaunala Place Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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