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Single Family Home in Waialua - North Shore Oahu
Turn this vintage beauty into the home of your dreams. Live on the North Shore in this charming single-family home that boasts 4 bedrooms and 2/1 baths. One bedroom is behind the carport with a separate entry currently used for storage. Nestled on a large lot and driving distance to the beach. Plenty of room for outdoor activities, gardening, or maybe even a pool or spa in the backyard! Step inside to discover the classic appeal of original wood floors and newly-painted single-wall redwood walls that exude the vintage charm of Old Hawaii. The home is a beauty in its own right, ripe for renovation, allowing you to mold it into the perfect sanctuary tailored to your taste. The property features a breezy carport, providing an ideal future expansion. Located in the serene community of Waialua, once a thriving plantation community, this property offers not just comfort but also convenience—just a stone's throw away from sandy shores, great restaurants, food trucks, Saturday Farmer's Market, a park, an amazing North Shore Bakery and you can drive to picturesque sunsets. This property has endless opportunities. It's your chance to own a piece of paradise and enjoy Hawaiian country living.
67-441 Alahaka Street Waialua 96791 is listed Courtesy of Sandra Sagisi Hi Realty Serv. (808) 492-8187
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