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Condo in Waialua - North Shore Oahu
OCEANFRONT - PANORAMIC VIEWS OF BLUE PACIFIC. This hidden gem is a large (893 sf) 1 bd w/2 full ba and 1 secured covered pkg. Originally built as a luxury condo with Koa cabinetry, Spanish tile & Italian marble with a lanai that stretches across both bedroom & living area for memorable sunsets, whale watching, & occasional sea turtles & sea monks. The building offers secured entrance & elevators (2), gated garage access, swimming pool & spa, bbq area & private beach access, workout room & bathrooms with saunas, a meeting room, solar panels on roof to conserve on common area electricity & so much more. This well maintained building is nearby Historical Haleiwa, minutes away from Dillingham Air Field & Kaena Point, & a short distance to both Schofield & Wheeler bases & the H-2 Frway. Berber carpet in living and bedroom, tile in bathrooms & entry area, & vinyl flooring in kitchen Front bathroom vanity was redone in 2024. Stove/oven, refrigerator & w/d are all 10 yrs or newer. Unit is being sold "As Is". Please add "As Is" and "Oceanfront" Addendum to offers. Previously rented for $2,300 per month (below market). Please use Quinten Chun at Old Republic Title.
68151 Au Street 109 Waialua 96791 is listed Courtesy of Albiar Realty (808) 358-4139
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