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Single Family Home in Aiea Heights - Pearl City Oahu
First time on the open market! Come discover a perfect tucked away home with so many delightful features. Located near the top of Aiea Heights and nestled down a flag lot off a quiet street. Surrounded by greenery and lush tropical views from most windows, you'll simply fall in love. This single level masonry home boasts 9 foot ceilings. The enormous 980 sq.ft. partially covered courtyard area is the ideal entertaining area and has so very many possibilities. The kitchen features new cabinets and countertops. Delight in the classic stained concrete flooring throughout the home. If you need storage, you've got storage galore! The closets are extra large in the hallway and bedrooms, plus an enclosed garage with a laundry room. With easy access to major highways, commuting and exploring the island is a breeze. Imagine a second story someday down the road as well........ Don't miss the opportunity to make this your ideal home in Aiea Heights!
99-040 Nohua Place A Aiea 96701 is listed Courtesy of Stott Real Estate, Inc. (808) 254-1515
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