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Halawa - Pearl City
Welcome to Centre Court, a convenient, centrally located unit across Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Base. Minutes to Aiea & Pearlridge Shopping Ctr. Short walking distance to Halawa Skytrain Station, & Aloha Stadium Swap Meets. Property entrance has a rolling gate w/clicker, enclosed gated swimming pool, BBQ area w/picnic tables, & existing open tennis court area, that can be used for other outdoor activities. Gated driveway entrance has video cameras, w/others on site, secured/keyed lobby w/mail/boxes, enclosed glass case for notifications & advertisements, w/elevator. Convenient trash chutes on each floor, large trash bin conveniently located at parking area, assigned parking stalls, & pet friendly. Unit has ceramic tiled floor (beige colored) throughout, includes newer stack washer & dryer. fixed double walled divider with door for room privacy, track lighting fixed on double wall to illuminate living room/dining area. Two (2) mirrored closets in living room & bedroom. A must see to appreciate. Tenant would like to continue renting (Optional). Easy to show with notice to tenant. Appointment required with listing agent be present.
99-015 Kalaloa Street 604 Aiea 96701 is listed Courtesy of Executive Investors Realty (808) 676-4240
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