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Condo in Manana - Pearl City Oahu
Step into your new home at Hale Ola! Upon entering this charming 3-bedroom, 1 bath condo, you'll immediately appreciate the spacious layout that can accomodate full sized furniture in both the dining and living areas. Best of all, there's an amazing enclosed patio, providing an additional 292 sf of flexible space. Nestled in the back of the complex, PREFERRED LOCATION offers privacy, no back neighbor, shade and being able to overlook the beautifully maintained landscape. Just steps away is a walking bridge that takes you directly into Manana Kai Neighborhood Park where you can enjoy basketball & tennis courts along with a wide open grassy field for your enjoyment. Leave the cooler at home and simply walk next door to Pearl City Gateway mall and delight in one of the many eateries. Walmart Superstore and Pearl City Highlands Center with Sam's Club, Ross, Regal Cinema and more are also within walking distance completing the ultimate convenience of this location. Seller will pay off the current assessment in full at the closing of escrow. Once ownership is established, you may join a waitlist for an add'l parking stall from the AOAO, rented for $50/mo. Call your Agent today!
1271 Kipaipai Street 32E Pearl City 96782 is listed Courtesy of The Lfg Group, Inc. (808) 258-2870
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