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Condo in Manana - Pearl City Oahu
Corner, Breezy, End Unit @ Hale Ola, newly renovated from top to bottom, 3-bedroom, 1-bath, two story townhome with parking stall in front of the unit. This home features all "new" from flooring, staircase, bathroom, interior paint, kitchen with quartz counter-top, updated plumbing & electrical fixtures and mirror closet for all bedrooms. You'll love how this unit is situated, stands beautifully in the corner with fresh breezes overflowing in all bedrooms, living and dining, open lanai in the back with side door at the side of the end unit is definitely a plus. Extra open parking is available for $50 a month from AOAO. Centrally located -minute walk from Walmart, Sams Club, Pearl Highlands and more. Hale Ola community is dog friendly and boasts beautifully maintained grounds with 85% owner occupancy, fostering a strong sense of community. The special assessment of $105 per month for 3 years Sept 2024- Sept 2027 is FULLY PAID OFF, and $133 per month for 2025 (only) for increase to help in insurance cost will be PAID OFF by the seller at close of escrow, leaving new owner free of burden to worry about special assessment. Act before it's too late! Selling on As Is Condition.
1345 Kipaipai Street 17D Pearl City 96782 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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