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Condo in Pearlridge - Pearl City Oahu
VA assumption/assumable loan avail@ 2.5% interest rate! Loan balance is $372K. Monthly pmts are $1683.64 not including maint. fees. MUST Be VA loan approved, to assume loan. Pearl Harbor & Sunset views w/ TWO PARKING stalls! Completely remodeled in 2021. Walking distance to Pearl Ridge mall, restaurants, banks, Pali Momi Medical Center, Down to Earth natural food store & more. Currently rented as a 2B. The 2nd bedroom is a separate "studio" bedroom that has its own entrance from the hallway, making it a completely private, standalone room (minus kitchenette.) Quick access to H1/H3 freeways, Pearl Harbor/Hickam, Fort Shafter & HNL airport. TWO DEEDED PARKING stalls are VERY rare for 2Bs in the vicinity- Seize the opportunity, as parking stalls in HNL can sell high as $70K, adding huge value to this condo. With the recent dip in interest rates, the timing is finally here to make this your new home. Community laundry in tower; no washer/dryer available in unit. Photos from before tenants occupied.
98-1038 Moanalua Road 1901 Aiea 96701 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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