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Condo in Pearlridge - Pearl City Oahu
Pearl Regency is PET FRIENDLY, and an Award-winning Building! 1/1/1, 2nd floor Treetop Views, low floor is great fit for those who prefer to be near to ground; can use stairs! Super functional, Ceramic Tile Flooring in Kitchen, Closet/Dressing area & Bathroom, built-in cabinets throughout, W/D in Unit. Upgraded Wood Laminate flooring in Bedroom & Living Room, NEW Fridge, Upgraded Plumbing (drain/vent pipes to Unit replaced in 2023!), Fire Sprinklers updated. Secure Lobby has serene water feature, Managers Office, Security Patrol, Video Cameras & big open "resort like" grounds offering all Amenities ON-SITE: Large Swimming Pool, Kiddie area, BBQ/Patio area, Tennis Courts, Exercise Room, Playground, Car Wash, Drink/Snack Machines by Lobby, and PLENTIFUL Guest Parking... You can do so much without leaving! CONVENIENT to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Pearl Country Club/Golf, walk across street to Down to Earth, Big City Diner, Pali Momi Medical Center, Pearlridge Mall (over 200+ different Restaurants, Shops, Theaters, etc.) & Pearl Kai Shopping Center. Very Easy to See, Showings arranged by Appointment; Short Notice is OK. Aloha!
98-402 Koauka Loop 210 Aiea 96701 is listed Courtesy of Rainbow Realty International (808) 330-0307
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