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Condo in Pearlridge - Pearl City Oahu
Stunning view from this top floor corner unit overlooking the golf course to Pearl Harbor and beyond! Look the other direction and see the mountains where sunrise colors will greet you each morning and often provide an afternoon rainbow. The lanai is large enough for a table and chairs to enjoy the beauty and fresh air. This is the largest single level 2-bedroom, 2-bath unit. The kitchen and baths were remodeled with an open modern feel. The primary bedroom has 2 large closets and a private bath. The second bedroom is ample; both bedrooms offer a fantastic view out their windows. Full sized washer and dryer are included. 2 assigned covered parking stalls. Cable, Internet, hot water, sewer and trash included in the monthly fees. Additionally, each unit has an 80 c.f. storage locker. Assumable VA loan, approx. $395K @ 2.25%. This well-maintained gated community has so much to offer. Amenities are endless: heated pool, whirlpool, tennis and pickle ball, gas BBQ grills, exercise rooms, saunas, electric car charging stations, abundant guest parking, recreation room with pool and ping pong, basketball area, putting green and more! The Colonnade is truly a resort-like place to live!
98-715 Iho Place 4/1501 Aiea 96701 is listed Courtesy of Callahan Realty Ltd (808) 487-0788
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