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Single Family Home in Robinson Heights - Waipahu Oahu
Embrace Mauka island living at its finest as you come home to your new escape nestled in this hidden gem neighborhood in Sugar Mill Estates. This single-family home offers ?**one of the best value per square foot on island** and gorgeous views from its second-story vantage point, where clear days reveal breathtaking views of Diamond Head from your spacious living room. Enjoy quick access to Waikele Outlets, Ka Makana Ali'i Mall with shops and restaurants like Macy’s and Cheesecake Factory less than a 15-minute drive away. Commuting is a breeze with Schofield Barracks, Hickam, Pearl Harbor, and White Plains Beach all within a convenient 18-25 minute radius. For commuters, a nearby bus stop and easy access to the rail line makes transportation effortless. This meticulously maintained property?features 32 owned PV panels, a Tesla Power wall, and dual Sola complemented by a 2 car garage equipped for electric vehicles. Additional street parking is available, low-maintenance outdoor area. Inside, find comfort with split A/C units throughout and an on-demand tankless water heater ensuring constant hot water supply. VA Assumable maybe considered with VA qualified buyer.
94-536 Koaleo Street A Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Blueprint Real Estate Advisors
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