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Condo in Waipahu-Lower - Waipahu Oahu
The most remarkable thing is the sunsets over the Waianae mountain range. There is a courtyard near the recreational building that is quiet and safe. Pets are loved and welcome up to a specific size. Near the courtyard is an enclosed dog park where they can run freely. If you have a green thumb, there is a garden at the outer edge of the parking lot. Some economically significant aspects of the Plantation town apartments are low maintenance fees, property taxes, and utilities. It is 78% owner-occupied, which usually means no loud parties, and easy to get to know your neighbors. If there's a power outage for some strange reason, there is a Diesel generator on site, as well as a security guard roaming the property every day of the week. It is centrally located and 15 minutes or less from 5 shopping centers and less than one hour from any beach on the island. It is a new building built in 2008 with an exterior touch-up paint job five years ago and an interior last year. The water heater and the bathroom vanity were replaced in 2022. The unit was also painted this past year with new bedroom carpeting six months ago.
94-302 Paiwa Street 1104 Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Oahure.Com (808) 425-7887
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