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Single Family Home
Waipio Gentry - Waipahu
Welcome to this charming single family home located in a cul-de-sac in Waipio Gentry. This one story, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home features an open floor plan with a vaulted ceiling and large ceramic tile flooring in main living area and bathrooms. New waterproof vinyl flooring was installed in both bedrooms, and interior of the home including the garage was freshly painted. The 2 car garage also features a pull down screen door installed in 2022, new epoxy coating on the floor, and a 2nd refrigerator as a bonus. This home was upgraded in 2022 with a whole house fan and plantation shutters throughout. A new split AC was installed in 12/24 in main living area, there is also a split AC in the primary bedroom. The kitchen was remodeled in 2018 with new cabinets, quartz countertops and includes a center island and stainless steel appliances. The courtyard area is perfect for relaxing outdoors and barbecuing. This home is adjacent to a paved trail which leads to two nearby neighborhood parks. Convenient to H1 and H2 freeways as well as shopping at Costco, Waikele Factory Outlets and Waipio Shopping Center. Pictures were taken when house was previously staged but is now empty.
94-1111 Mikilana Place Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 667-5028
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