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Current Listings for Sale: 20
Price Range: $385,000 - $535,000
Maintenance Fee Range: $652 - $904
Owner Occupancy: 38%
Year Built: 1976
Stories: 12
Elevators: 2
Guest Parking: Yes
# of Units: 287
Tenure: Fee Simple
FHA Approved: No (search)
Zoned Legal Vacation Rental?: No (search)
Pet Friendly?: No
Style: Hi-Rise
Elementary School: Wheeler
Middle School: Wheeler
High School: Mililani
Pool on Property
Security Guard
Built in 1976, the Waikalani Woodlands building currently has 20 units for sale, ranging in price from $385,000 - $535,000. Located in the Waipio Acres/Waikalani Woodlands neighborhood, there have been 1 sales in the last 60 days, with a median sold price of $415,000.
These units sold in 127 days on average. Building amenities include whirlpool, pool on property, patio/deck, bbq, storage, security guard.
Unit Type | # of units |
Studio | 0 |
1 bedroom | 0 |
2 bedroom | 15 |
3 bedroom | 5 |
Comprising four high-rise buildings, this expansive complex is set amidst extensive private grounds. The landscape is filled with lush greenery, including a small forest and stream that not only provides shade and beauty but also creates a sense of separation between the buildings, giving residents a feeling of seclusion.
Established in 1976, this beautifully landscaped retreat is conveniently located next to the H2 freeway, just north of Mililani Town. Residents love taking leisurely strolls around the vast grounds, including a nice park.
The complex features 288 units, with nearly two-thirds of them being 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom layouts (793 sq ft). The remaining one-third are 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom residences (1,023 sq ft). Both options include an additional 97 sq ft lanai.
Despite this natural setting, the substantial shopping and dining options of Mililani Town are just a short drive away. You can run errands quickly and return to the serene environment of the Woodlands in minutes.
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