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Are you interested in a real estate career in Hawaii?
Owning a home in Hawaii offers distinct advantages to members of the military. Locations’ experienced Military Specialists will show you how to use housing allowance (BAH) and access Veterans Affairs (VA) loans to purchase a home that best fits your circumstances.
Read how owning a home in Hawaii helped this military-member-turned Realtor to build wealth.
Learn about the advantages of owning real estate in Hawaii for military service members, even if you only plan to be in Hawaii for a few years.
VA loans provide a great opportunity for military members in Hawaii. Our Locations Military Specialists break down the benefits.
Your monthly BAH allowance will determine how much house you can afford.
How to get your pets to Hawaii safely and legally.
Which Oahu neighborhood will make the most sense for you? It depends on where you're stationed, and your lifestyle preferences.
PCSing with your pet? How to find pet-friendly housing off base.
Complete our Military Relocation form to get connected to one of our full-time, highly trained Locations Military Specialists, who can send you personalized listings near your base, and helpful relocation and financing tips.
Locations Military Specialists are standing by to offer relocation and financing advice, and to help you find VA-approved properties.
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Ready to Get Started? Fill out the contact form below, and we will get started on your relocation right away. This includes gathering details of your move, educating you on Hawaii's unique real estate marketplace, and the advantages you have as a member of the Military
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