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Just minutes away from the bustle of Waikiki is the serene neighborhood of Kahala, an upscale residential area boasting some of the most expensive beachfront real estate in the country.
Just minutes away from the bustle of Waikiki is the serene neighborhood of Kahala, an upscale residential area boasting some of the most expensive beachfront real estate in the country.
The community is composed of mansion-like houses with sprawling grounds and ample public access to quiet beaches along the Kahala coast.
Residents of the neighborhood enjoy close proximity to many of Kahala’s features, including grocery stores, restaurants and convenient shopping at Kahala Mall. At the edge of Kahala, the Wai‘alae Country Club offers a members-only, 18-hole golf course; the iconic Kahala Hotel & Resort is frequented by residents for its world-class spa and dining options.
Kahala is one of my favorite neighborhoods for many reasons. It's near the bustle of downtown and also right by the ocean (enough time for a morning stroll along the beach before meeting friends for breakfast). While Kahala puts you in the most prime and coveted of Hawaii neighborhoods, it still feels like you're living in a small town with the warmth of familiar faces. You have the best of all worlds in Kahala!![]()
S. Chan, Kahala Neighborhood Expert
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