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The crown jewel of central Oahu, Mililani Town in central Oahu was originally a vast collection of pineapple fields until the 1960s when Castle & Cooke began development to create a new suburban area to meet the island’s extensive housing needs. Mililani Town Center hosts several mega-stores like Wal-Mart, Times and Longs Drugs.
The crown jewel of central Oahu, Mililani Town in central Oahu was originally a vast collection of pineapple fields until the 1960s when Castle & Cooke began development to create a new suburban area to meet the island’s extensive housing needs. The result was a master-planned community that is known for its close-knit neighbors and welcoming environment.
The Mililani Town Association has enacted a set of rules and guidelines for the neighborhood to keep the area safe and well-kept, and to maintain high property value in the community. The association also sponsors 7 recreational centers (some equipped with tennis courts), plans various family programs and activities, and has enacted a neighborhood watch. Programs include swimming, martial arts, hula, tennis, dance, exercise, and health classes; as well as specialized activities for seniors and young children.
Other highlights include a 72-par, 18-hole golf course and shopping center to meet the leisure needs of residents. Mililani Town Center hosts several mega-stores like WalMart, Star Market and Longs Drugs. Additionally, there are over a dozen eateries, beauty and health venues, clothing stores, and a movie theatre that has leather reclining seats. The Mililani complex is made up of several elementary schools, which all feed into Mililani Middle School and Mililani High School.
Prices will likely continue to rise in 2017. As strong competition continues, more homes and condos are bid‐up over their asking price, and median prices are pushed upward.
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