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Ayumi was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She first fell in love with Hawaii during a family trip to the ranching community of Kamuela on the Big Island and decided that she would one day make this special place her home.
Living in Hawaii for over 30+ years now, Ayumi has experienced firsthand the positive impact of owning Real Estate. After seeing the benefits, she decided to help others to achieve their goals through homeownership.
Ayumi has a thoughtful approach which focuses on her clients’ needs. She has used her experience from the Hospitality industry, exceeding her clients’ expectations. She received her MBA in 2000 which provides a solid foundation to her practice.
Ayumi is particularly drawn to the natural beauty of these Islands, the Hawaiian culture, the tropical weather, and, of course, the beach & ocean! Oahu has been a wonderful place to raise her family, and she’s grateful for the many friends she has made over the years. When she’s not aggressively representing her clients in real estate, she can be found helping out as hula mom for her daughter’s halau, volunteering for a Youth Ministry at a local church, dancing hula, or exercising near the beach.
She looks forward to meeting you, and including you among her Ohana.
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