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Growing up in a small town on the Big Island and helping her family drug store from the age of 7 instilled the values and work ethics that Cindy has today. Her grandfather started Shiigi Drugs in Hilo over 75 years ago. Her grandfather, uncle and Cindy's father who were all Pharmacists showed by example the importance of giving good advice, building strong relationships, and treating everyone with respect.
Cindy moved to Honolulu to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa. During college, she was hired and later become an Office and Talent Manager for the Kathy Muller Talent and Modeling Agency. She was so effective that the agency continues to ask Cindy for assistance on specific projects and assignments to this day.
Cindy successfully applied what she learned in Hilo to owning and running her own flower shop. After over 8 fulfilling and profitable years, she decided to sell her shop to a friend and spend more time with her family.
Cindy then began working with KHNL and K-5 TV as a Programming/Production Coordinator which gave her more time with her family and satisfy the creative impulses that her flower shop previously provided. She later moved to the Accounting Dept. a little after KHNL,KFVE, and KGMB merged to become Hawaii News Now.
But something was missing. Developing and nurturing long term relationships, helping others, and making a difference in peoples lives, like her father, uncle and grandfather did in Hilo were still part of Cindy, and these were things that she didn't want to let go of. So, Cindy decided to add Realtor to her list of titles back in 2008. She continued to help her clients achieve their real estate goals working part-time in real estate while working 19+ years at the television station till the end of February 2019.
In mid April 2019, Cindy decided to focus on her real estate business and joined Locations LLC as a full-time agent. So if you want a Realtor who is trustworthy, easy to work with, who knows how to go the extra mile to achieving her clients real estate needs such as helping her clients with renovations, cleaning and staging their property, than Cindy is the best Realtor for you.
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