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Lore Woodley is a full-time real estate broker in Oahu, Hawaii since 2012. Clients have described her as dedicated, honest, determined, and a hardworking real estate professional. Lore has been trained to use the latest tactics and technologies in helping clients maximize profits when buying or selling a home. She has been awarded the prestigious designation of Certified Residential Specialist CRS ( only 3% of REALTORS have earned this credential). She is certified with Cartus Broker Network, Military Relocation Professional, Graduate Realtor Institute, At Home with Diversity, Seniors Real Estate Specialist. In 2018 Lore was awarded International Diamond Society ( top 10% of 92,000 agents internationally), 2018 Highest Units Sold in Coldwell Banker- Kahala Office, 2013-2023 Top Block Award ( High Rating in Customer Service), 2015-2023 Best In Real Estate - Honolulu Magazine, Excellence Circle Club Award 2021, 2023.
Lore was born and raised in Romania, she is fluent in Romanian, Italian, Spanish and English. After completing her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in International Relations, at age 21 she moved from Romania to North Myrtle Beach in South Carolina where she met her husband, Aaron. Shortly after, they moved to Marathon in the Florida Keys where they lived for two years. Together they discovered Hawaii in 2008 while on vacation. One year later, they made Hawaii their home and been here ever since.
Lore loves to travel, she spends time in Italy and Romania with her family also visited many European countries. Thankful for life's good fortunes, Lore is very involved in her community on Oahu. She served as the Community Chair Director of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset, supports the Hawaii Homeownership Center, a non-profit organization, that helps first-time home-buyers, job coach for YWCA Dress for Success program helping less fortunate women get back into work place, she is a proud member of The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii Young Professionals.
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