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Bernadette was born and raised in the beautiful city of Alexandria Egypt. She graduated from Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering; in 2005 Bernadette moved to Hawaii which reminds her with he home city Alexandria. She worked as a Math teacher. Bernadette speaks Arabic, French and English.
Bernadette’s passion is helping people in different ways. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two boys, going to the beach, enjoying the ocean, reading and listening to music.
As a Realtor, Bernadette’s first priority is to make her clients happy. She is a good listener and works hard to fulfill her client’s dreams and real estate needs. She strives to ensure that the home buying and selling process is fun, easy and stress-free. Her clients can rely on her knowledge and honesty whenever they have a concern, question, or are in need of advice. Bernadette truly cherishes the responsibility to accompany them on the journey to finding their dream property!
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