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Born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, Bruce Yanagihara graduated from Hilo High School in 1964. He earned his BBA at the University of Hawaii at Manoa during the summer of 1968.
In 1970, Bruce started his real estate career with Locations LLC In 1974, when the company decided to expand its leadership team, he was invited to join as a Partner. Bruce has played an integral part in developing the company that we know now, and he is responsible for many of the working systems that are in place today.
Bruce serves as a Broker-In-Charge at the Mililani office and is still very active in sales all over the island. He is also presently a Board Member and former President of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii. He currently resides in Salt Lake with his family.
My Philosophy:
“As a seasoned agent who knows this business extremely well, I offer clients my experience, expertise and insight. I always provide the best service to my clients in a manner that is fair to all parties. I think my clients appreciate my honesty and integrity, and because of this, they continue to call on me for help.”
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