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A Kaneohe native and current Honolulu resident, Chad Takesue has enjoyed success in a myriad of fields in his professional career. After earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from the University of Puget Sound, Chad continued his education by earning an MBA from the Shidler College of Business at UH Manoa. Upon graduation, Chad concurrently taught Math at Castle High School while working as a Realtor Associate part-time for Abe Lee Realty. Chad joined Locations in 2005, and continues to help clients with all of their real estate needs as a full-time realtor. In 2008, he obtained his real estate Broker’s designation, demonstrating his willingness to achieve the highest standards in the industry. In 2012, Chad was promoted to Partner at Locations due to his sales success and client service ratings.
Chad recently served as the Senior Vice-President of Sales for Locations from 2017-2019, leading the Sales Division and implementing strategies to enhance customer service, as well as agent efficiency and productivity. He has since returned full-time to his role as a Partner and sales agent at Locations, focusing on the servicing of his clients. Chad previously served as the President for the Locations Foundation; the non-profit arm of Locations LLC, which donates a percentage of personal income to fund community service projects. As Foundation President, he was tasked with the decision making and strategic planning process for the Foundation Board’s activities and budgets. Chad still serves as a member of the Foundation's Executive Board. In addition to his work with the Foundation, Chad is serving his second term as a Director on the Honolulu Board of Realtors. He is also active as the Alumni Class Representative for his alma mater, Iolani School, and assists with the coordination of Alumni fundraising events as well as class reunions. In his free time, Chad enjoys spending time with his three children with activities that range from coaching them in their respective sports, educating them through travel, or spending a day at the beach.
Chad’s goal is to empower his clients with the information necessary to provide the ability to make the best decisions to achieve their real estate goals. Chad's focus is to first understand the needs of his clients and then present them with solutions to meet their needs, including bringing awareness to the opportunities available to his customers. His experience includes working with first time home buyers, sellers, investors, and business owners. Chad adheres to the highest ethical standards of practice and strives to provide the best service to his clients.
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