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Testimonial from Loreto Coloma, from August 20, 2024.
Purchased a Single Family home on Waialae Ave, Honolulu.
"Crystal Chang was an amazing guide through the home buying process.
We are grateful for the exceptional service provided in purchasing our home. Her expertise and navigation between the different parties involved made the transaction possible given my busy work schedule. and successful as it was. These are some examples of how Crystal assisted us in the process.
In the beginning, she provided us with the tools (Locations app as well) and encouragement in our property search, within the financial parameters we set. Her understanding of the local market and discussions with my mother were helpful in our making a decision to place an offer on this property very quickly. She brought us to view multiple properties in the area, graciously driving my mother to meet us at these properties due to tight scheduling and the fact my mother does not drive. Those visits and further conversations really helped us be on the same page to make the offer. The timing to place an offer within 10 days of being on market and being one of the first offers was critical in setting up the contract.
After the contract was accepted, she was very patient with us as we continued to learn about and work through the necessary paperwork. She was amazing at helping negotiate the best deal for us when it came to the home price, potential repairs, and finding the appropriate inspectors/contractors to quickly help within some tight deadlines. Her negotiation skills were top notch to ensure the numbers worked. Her communication was key to ensure we were getting the paperwork we needed to the right people quickly, but especially when we needed an additional week to finalize our home inspection.
More specifically, during the final stages and whilst I was grossly distracted with important work events for an entire week, she made sure that I made the calls to the utilities in time for closing the following week. It was even more so important with the statehood day holiday and needing to plan ahead.
She was also there at each of the soft handoffs – with escrow and with our mortgage broker. Her goal was always to ensure that we were comfortable working with them, understood the related details, and to counsel between everyone as needed. The communication had to be there to make it work, especially with my mother’s preferences. Her kindness was also paired with a sense of urgency to ensure we were within our desired timeline to close in 45 days.
Even after the transaction was completed, her support continued as we continue to work through additional repairs to this day. She has also provided the great touch of custom keys in the shape of a home which totally matches her bubbly personality. Her advice continues to be helpful as we still at times need a tiebreaker on some of the design aspects – we’re still deciding on the paint color!
Her generous support made a significant difference in this experience and that set her apart.
Thank you! "
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