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Kimiko is honored to have helped her clients (well over 100 so far) buy and sell their homes here on Oahu. Since 2003 Kimiko has been a Realtor that people rely on. Kimiko works with Locations, a brokerage known for it's technology, research and collaborative spirit among agents. She thrives on the great energy and commitment Locations has for their valued clients. Kimiko obtained Real Estate Broker License in 2012, adding to her depth of experience. Recently, Kimiko became a broker in charge of Locations. Kimiko is an active volunteer with the Locations Foundation, donating a portion of her income and volunteering many hours working to help make a difference to people in need on Oahu. She lives with her husband, their son and the son's family and she enjoys "Ikebana" Traditional Japanese Flower Arrangement, Tai Chi, Yoga, spends time training her two lovable dogs, and volunteers at the church.
Kimiko was born and raised in Ibaraki, Japan and decided to complete her degree at Maui Community College. Thankfully while on Maui, she attended Real Estate License School and passed the state exam on Oahu in 2003 and joined a local real estate company, and it's been her passion ever since.
My Philosophy:
“Ultimately, my goal is to help people’s dreams come true. To make it happen, I go the extra mile for my clients and never give up. My clients appreciate my honesty, diligence and patience. And my Japanese upbringing has definitely come in handy, showcasing my bilingual skills and international background. But now that I’ve lived in Hawaii for nearly three decades, I offer a broad knowledge of Hawaii real estate’s market trends as well. I also bring to the table a high level of negotiation skills."
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