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Are you interested in a real estate career in Hawaii?
With nearly three decades of industry experience, Locations Partner and Realtor® Stephanie L. Chan is one of Hawaii’s most trusted and successful real estate professionals. A top-producing agent in the Oahu market, she was voted “Hawaii’s Best Realtor®, First Place” by the readers of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser in 2016 and 2023.
Stephanie became interested in the local real estate market when she and her husband made their first real estate purchase in the 1980s. After years of personally investing in properties and developing a passion for the industry, she joined Locations in 1995. Her goal was to help her clients gain a foothold in the market and build long-term wealth through homeownership and savvy investments.
With firsthand experience in developing, buying and selling properties, Stephanie offers her clients valuable insights, ensuring they achieve the best outcomes in every transaction. She has built a supportive global network that includes multiple generations within families, thanks in part to her ability to speak many languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Teochew and Vietnamese. Her cultural fluency and deep understanding of Hawaii’s unique market make her a go-to advisor for local, U.S. mainland and international clients alike.
Her unparalleled dedication, honesty and expertise have earned her an outstanding reputation for helping her clients successfully navigate Hawaii’s competitive real estate market with confidence.
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