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Hawaii Loa Ridge is one of the most expensive and exclusive subdivisions on Oahu. The community is perched on a meandering ridge in Aina Haina adjacent to other upscale communities including Kahala and Portlock. Glorious views and luxurious private retreats make life atop the ridge truly unique and beautiful. Known for prized ocean views and custom-made homes, this East Oahu neighborhood offers a private retreat for those who can afford it. The homeowner’s association offers additional privacy and security for its residents, providing a 24-hour guard service at the gated entrance.
Hawaii Loa Ridge is one of the most expensive and exclusive subdivisions on Oahu. The community is perched on a meandering ridge in Aina Haina adjacent to other upscale communities including Kahala and Portlock. Glorious views and luxurious private retreats make life atop the ridge truly unique and beautiful.
Known for prized ocean views and custom-made homes, this East Oahu neighborhood offers a private retreat for those looking to escape the pace of city life. The homeowner’s association offers additional privacy and security for its residents, providing a 24-hour guard service at the gated entrance. Architectural styles range from modern to Mediterranean, to contemporary with most properties having over an acre of beautifully landscaped gardens and lawns.
Hawaii Loa Ridge amenities include tennis courts, a park with picnic stations, 24-hour mobile security, a community building, maintained common landscape areas, and a professionally managed homeowners association.
Homes on Hawaii Loa Ridge are in high demand from both local and foreign luxury buyers.
Hawaii Loa Ridge is the most exclusive, most desirable, gated community of luxury homes that we have on Oahu.![]()
D. Yamagishi, Hawaii Loa Ridge Neighborhood Expert
Hawaii Loa Ridge offers spectacular ocean views from Diamond Head to Koko Head. Featuring upscale estates and private amenities, Hawaii Loa Ridge is one of the finest luxury communities on the island![]()
D. Bediones, Hawaii Loa Ridge Neighborhood Expert
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