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Kapolei, known as "Oahu's Second City," is a rapidly growing, thriving community, known for its new developments and larger, more affordable homes. Residents enjoy access to an array of modern amenities, from big-box stores and restaurants to resorts and water parks. Today, Kapolei is home to nearly 12,000 homes and condos, and the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting anticipates that number will exceed 50,000 by 2035.
Kapolei, known as "Oahu's Second City", is a rapidly growing, thriving community, known for its new developments and larger, more affordable homes. Residents enjoy access to an array of modern amenities, from big box stores, retailers, and restaurants to resorts and water parks. Today, Kapolei is home to nearly 12,000 homes and condos, and the Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting anticipates that number will exceed 50,000 by 2035.
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Several major residential development companies are building master-planned communities to keep pace with the region's expanding population. In the near future, three planned developments – Kapolei West, Makaiwa Hills and Ho'opili, are expected to bring 18,000 homes to Kapolei.
Kapolei offers multiple choices for medical and dental care with Queen's medical center, Kaiser Permanente, and HMSA in town. There are also options for senior living and adult day care for retirees. There are also great schools in the area from daycare through college at the UH West Oahu campus.
With homes comes new amenities, and Kapolei has a lot to offer. The growing job market in the area means you won't have to make the drive back to town every day. Instead, enjoy the second-largest shopping center on Oahu, Ka Makana Ali'i, lay back in a leather recliner at the newly renovated Consolidated Theatres 16, or cool off at Wet'n'Wild Hawaii.
Median List Prices in Kapolei are at a historic highs due to low inventory and high demand. Still, the price for SFHs and condos is lower than many other areas on Oahu, providing an opportunity for homebuyers as the "Second City" of Oahu continues to grow with new amenities and a surging population.
Kapolei is a young and exciting community with lots of changes happening fast. This means new businesses and business opportunities. What's different is that Kapolei is still an affordable place for a young family to purchase a home, raise a family AND still have some great job opportunities.Todd Bedford President/CEO of Lifeline Fire & Security, Kapolei Resident since 2005.
As a resident it's amazing to see just how fast Kapolei has been growing in recent years and how much more there is to come. These new homes and amenities have completely transformed the job market turning Kapolei from a great place to live, to a great place to live AND work.![]()
K. Baniqued, Locations' Kapolei Neighborhood Expert
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