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This growing community is on the west side of Oahu, about a 30-minute drive from Honolulu right past Ewa and right above Kapolei. Makakilo is a quiet neighborhood comprised of two sections, Makakilo Upper which has newer homes, and significantly higher elevations, making it cooler and breezier, and Makakilo Lower, which offers older, custom homes, larger lots and no maintenance fees because the homes aren’t part of a master planned community.
Makakilo, which means, “observing eyes,” is situated on the foothills of the Waianae Mountains directly above Kapolei. This growing community is on the west side of Oahu, about a 30-minute drive from Honolulu right past Ewa and right above Kapolei.
Offering spectacular views from the hillsides, this charming neighborhood reaches 1,000-foot elevation at its peak and is steeped in Hawaiian history. Puu Makakilo (Mount Makakilo) was an ancient meeting site for Kahuna Kilokilo, known today as ancient Hawaiian astronomers. Nowadays, Makakilo is a quiet neighborhood comprised of two sections, Makakilo Upper which has newer homes, and significantly higher elevations, making it cooler and breezier, and Makakilo Lower, which offers older, custom homes, larger lots and no maintenance fees because the homes aren’t part of a master planned community.
Since Kapolei is the next door neighbor, residents are only a few minutes from the bustling "Second City" of Oahu and it's major retailers, world class restaurants, and fun activities. Once you're in Makakilo, you may find it hard to come back to town.
The neighborhood of Makakilo Lower has a very tight market reflected by very low supply of homes on the market. There has been new construction of SFHs in Makakilo-Lower, which will add much needed inventory to this growing area of the island.
It’s a picturesque neighborhood in a part of Oahu that is rich with Hawaiian history![]()
E. Roud, Makakilo Resident
Personally, I only leave Makakilo to visit friends and family or when work takes me out of the area. Beautiful weather, incredible people, and Kapolei right next door make it a very hard place to leave.![]()
Paul Van, Locations' Makakilo Neighborhood Expert
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