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With some economists suggesting the U.S. economy may experience a mild recession in the next year, many homebuyers and sellers may be wondering what a possible slowdown in the economy could mean for Oahu home prices. Using historical market data dating back to 1980, Locations' research shows why a meaningful drop in Oahu home prices is unlikely—regardless of fluctuations in the economy.
Mortgage rates improved in November 2023. Locations expects to see rates drop below 7% in 2024, offering prospective buyers some much-needed relief. Looking ahead to 2024, stronger sales activity is anticipated as mortgage rates cool. A modest increase in inventory is possible if lower rates bring more sellers to the market. As rates come down, home prices are likely to rise.
The festive season in Honolulu is set to dazzle once again with the 39th Annual Honolulu City Lights! A beacon of holiday spirit, Honolulu Hale transforms into a wonderland of twinkling lights, holiday décor, and, of course, Shaka Santa and Tūtū Mele. This event isn't just a feast for the eyes; it's a community gathering that offers locals and visitors alike a chance to take in some holiday cheer, all for free!
On a sunny November Saturday in Waikiki, the Locations Foundation partnered with the non-profit organization Surfers Healing to offer a memorable experience to children with autism spectrum disorder. This annual event, which the Foundation has supported for many years, brings surf instructors and volunteers together to introduce these children to the soothing and transformative effects of riding the waves.
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