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The Honolulu City Council is considering a new rule called the Empty Homes Tax. This tax would charge owners who leave their homes empty for a long time (There are an estimated 34,000 vacant homes on Oahu). The goal of the proposed bill is to encourage owners to use these homes or rent them out. Supporters also hope that the tax will help to address Honolulu's shortage of affordable housing.
After a bump in sales activity last month, the Oahu real estate market returned to a typical downward seasonal trend in November 2024. Locations expects single-family home sales to end the year up by around six percent, and condo sales to end the year down six percent. With a continued low supply of single-family homes, the median price will end the year four percent higher than last year. On the other hand, Oahu’s condo supply is at a 15-year high and rising, holding the median price flat.
The holiday season is officially here, and there are plenty of twinkling holiday lights to take in across the island. Whether you choose to stroll through your favorite decked-out neighborhood with friends or enjoy the lights from the comfort of your own car, you're sure to find some delightful scenes! So, fill your to-go mug with some hot cocoa and round up the keiki; below are our Locations Neighborhood Experts' picks for the best holiday light decorations across Oahu.
Locations Realtors® Cannie Chum and Cory Tsuda were recognized by the Honolulu Board of Realtors® with a prestigious Aloha ‘Āina REALTOR® Award for exceptional client service on November 22, 2024. Nominated by their client, who they assisted as a team, Cannie and Cory demonstrated exceptional dedication and resourcefulness in navigating the complex sale of a 10-unit apartment building.
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