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Six exciting condominium projects are slated to open in 2025 and 2026, and it's not too late to secure a unit in one of these in-demand buildings. But don't wait too long—only a handful of available residences remain. Read on to discover what makes these new Honolulu condo projects unique and learn about available homeownership opportunities in Oahu's hottest ZIP codes.
The first residents of Ililani, the newest condominium in Oahu’s booming Kaka’ako neighborhood, moved into their homes in May 2024, but a limited number of market and affordable units are still available. Ililani offers well-priced, thoughtfully designed modern homes, conveniently located near popular attractions, including SALT at Kaka’ako and Ala Moana Beach Park.
Conveniently located within proximity to Diamond Head, Waikiki and Kaimuki, Kuilei Place combines thoughtfully designed amenities, contemporary interior design, and stunning views of Diamond Head and the Ko`olau Mountains.
Ulana Ward Village is a new reserved housing offering in Ward Village, just minutes away from all that the South Shore of Oahu has to offer. This residence serves as an opportunity to live life your way. Here, you can make your home in the heart of town and enjoy interiors that feature modern touches with island sensibilities, including views from mauka to makai.
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