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The Locations Foundation, the charitable arm of Locations, awarded more than $30,000 in funds and supplies to local child-focused nonprofits and educators in July 2023 to support learning and positive relationships for keiki across Hawaii.
The Oahu real estate market held steady in July 2023, as competitive conditions and strong demand persisted. In many ways, the market is outperforming expectations, with higher sales than anticipated and even a slight increase in single-family home prices throughout the summer.
The Oahu real estate market held steady in June 2023. Home prices are stable and even rising slightly, and that trend is expected to continue into next year. Homebuyers are coming to terms with higher mortgage rates and, together with experienced lenders, are finding flexible borrowing solutions.
With its warm climate and abundance of outdoor activities, Oahu is a haven for pets and their owners. From exploring the island's numerous pet-friendly parks and trails to relaxing days at the beach, opportunities for your pets to thrive in Hawaii are endless. However, finding pet-friendly housing can be a challenge, especially if you plan to purchase or rent a condo or townhome.
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