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The Oahu single-family home median price remained above $1M for the third month in a row in September. However, even as prices continue to be pushed upward due to a combination of strong buyer demand, low inventory, and competitive market conditions, the market is showing some signs of moderating.
Ulana Ward Village is a new reserved housing offering in Ward Village, just minutes away from all that the South Shore of Oahu has to offer. This residence serves as an opportunity to live life your way. Here, you can make your home in the heart of town and enjoy interiors that feature modern touches with island sensibilities, including views from mauka to makai.
The Oahu single-family home median price topped $1M for the second consecutive month in August, while the condo median price reached a new benchmark at $500,000. The resale condo market is becoming increasingly competitive, as more buyers look to condos and townhouses, either as alternatives to single-family homes or as investment properties.
It’s an honor to have been voted Hawaii’s Best Local Non-Profit, First Place, by our happy clients and the readers of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. This "Hawaii's Best" category is new this year, and we’re so humbled by the outpouring of support the Locations Foundation has received.
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