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Our worlds are changing quickly. As we navigate this uncharted time together, Locations is adapting our business to ensure your health and safety, as well as that of our agents and our island community.
Selling your Oahu home? Did you know that 93 percent of homebuyers begin their search online? That’s why Locations has partnered with Adwerx, the worldwide leader in digital marketing, to provide the most online exposure possible for our clients’ homes.
Today, the developer of the new Ililani condominium tower in Kaka’ako released an additional 32 new affordable units to be offered for sale to the public. Located at 615 Keawe Street, Ililani is the newest addition to the Kaka’ako neighborhood! The lililani condominium project will feature a mix of market and affordable housing units, right in the heart of Honolulu!
Oahu single-family home and condo sales have rebounded after dipping in the spring, as mostly local homebuyers are taking advantage of low interest rates to move to larger or more comfortable homes. A rise in remote work has also allowed some workers to consider neighborhoods outside the urban core that they may have previously excluded due to commute times. Already extremely competitive West and Central Oahu markets, like Ewa, Mililani and Pearl City, are becoming even more competitive as homebuyers look for larger floorplans and outdoor space. Sellers in these markets are at an advantage. With interest rates at all-time lows again—less than three percent for a 30-year fixed mortgage—homebuyers have increased purchasing power heading into the fall.
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