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If you've been on the fence about becoming a homeowner - or trading up to a new home - now is the time to act. Mortgage interest rates, which had been ticking up throughout last year, just saw the biggest drop in a single week in a decade. Today's mortgage interest rate is now lower than it's been in more than a year - giving prospective homebuyers a welcome shot of buying power.
For many homeowners, clearing out excess clutter can be a challenge, especially if they have been in the home for a long time. Thankfully, the KonMari Method, created by organizational expert and best-selling author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” Marie Kondo, can help home sellers to let go of the clutter that could be standing in the way of the sale of their home.
Locations recognized the achievements of its agents in 2018 at its annual Agent Awards banquet in Waikiki. The occasion also recognized the firm’s 50th year in business.
With more homes and condos currently for sale than we've seen in years, and interest rates that are returning to last year's levels, now is an opportune time for first-time homeowners, current homeowners who are looking to trade up or real estate investors looking to diversify their portfolios.
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