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I pulled a complete 180* (weather wise) when I moved to tropical Hawaii from freezing Canada in March of 1996 with my 3 kids (1, 3 and 4 years old). Like most parents, to ensure my kids don't spend too much time watching TV or playing with computers and video games, I spent a lot of time with them at the beach.
Last week the Locations Foundation awarded Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii with a grant of $10,000 to support after school mentoring programs. It costs roughly $2,000 to make and support each one-to-one mentoring match, so this grant will help change the lives of five at-risk youth for the better, forever.
As you know, affordable housing on Oahu is becoming harder to find. To help you with the search, Locations counted down the Top Ten most affordable homes from March 2016. Keep in mind, these homes will go fast, some of the properties may be bought before you have a chance to see them. Not to worry, we'll be featuring the same list every month to keep you up-to-date.
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