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Are you interested in a real estate career in Hawaii?
Whether you're a first-time seller or an investor with numerous properties, selling a house is a complicated process, no matter how good your agent or the real estate market. Your agent will help you set the right price, market the home professionally, qualify the buyers, and expertly negotiate and finalize the deal. A good real estate agent will always be working on your behalf. Yet there is information that only you know the answers to, which is crucial when it comes to helping your agent lead you through a smooth transaction. In my experience, if you share the following pieces of information with your agent early on in the process of listing your property, the chances of having an issue-free transaction increase significantly. |
Kakaako Waterfront Park102 Ohe St December 31, 2013 starting at 6:00 p.m. For the fourth year in a row, Hawaii's voted #1 New Year's Eve party will reprise its unbeatable entertainment, fun, food and celebratory experience. Ring in the New Year with five areas of amazing entertainment you won't find anywhere else, plus a fireworks show from 9:00 p.m. every hour until the clock strikes midnight. Seven different areas of activities, with something exciting for everyone!
Tickets: $30 general admission $110 general VIP (adults only) $1000 VIP table (seats 4 adults only) $2000 SUPER VIP table (seats 6 adults only) |
In my last two blogs, we went over the Benefits of a 1031 Exchange - Part I and Different Types of 1031 Exchanges - Part II. In this article, part three of our four part instalment, I would like to cover a little more information about the middleman of the 1031 Exchange. To do a successful 1031 Exchange, you need to use a Qualified Intermediary (QI), also known as a Facilitator or an Exchange Accommodator. This isn’t an easy, do-it-yourself, sell one investment and buy another investment, expecting to defer capital gains tax-type transaction. You will need the intermediary to help legally facilitate the transaction and to adhere to the IRS tax law guidelines. |
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