New Kakaʻako project brings together urban-living sensibility, convenience and modern-lifestyle amenities

A groundbreaking ceremony took place Oct. 16 for Ililani condominiums, a 42-story building that brings together urban-living sensibility, convenience, and unique, modern-lifestyle amenities. Located at 615 Keawe Street, is the first new project in the SALT area of Kakaʻako in four years.
Click here to learn more about the Ililani
“This area is up-and-coming and we are committed to investing in Hawai‘i’s future,” said Ken Chang, manager of Ililani. “Our vision is to build a place where locals are not overpaying and still getting finely crafted homes with wonderful amenities that reflect our Hawaiʻi way of life.”

Half of the building’s 328 condominiums are two-bedroom, market-rate units. The other half are being offered as affordable housing under the Hawaiʻi Housing Finance & Development Corporation’s program, with affordable one- and two-bedroom units priced between $312,000 and $657,100. All 328 units include well-appointed kitchens and baths, floor-to-ceiling windows and spacious lanais.
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Ililani also includes several amenities that stand apart from other properties in the area. The ninth floor features a recreation deck with a community garden that includes areas for citrus trees, vegetables, herbs and flowers. The deck also includes a cinema club for outdoor movie gatherings, splash pool and four grills for barbecuing.
In addition, there is a large, multi-purpose room on the second floor equipped with catering amenities, including warming drawers and refrigerators that can be reserved for private parties. The room also can be used for exercising and social activities. For residents who work from home, there is a 1,100-square-foot co-working space that provides private and open work areas. The space features a large-screen TV and comfortable seating area for work breaks.
The building also has a surfboard and bike storage area, complete with built-in stations where residents can tune and repair their bikes or clean and wax their boards. For drivers, there is a car washing area with water hoses and ample drainage, so residents can wash their vehicles after a day at the beach. Ililani has partnered with Hui, a round-trip, station-based car-sharing service, to provide a car-sharing station with 10 stalls that will be available exclusively to residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Another three stalls will be available to the public.
Interested in making Ililani your new home? Contact your Locations REALTOR® for more information.
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