Every year, Locations celebrates our agents for their career achievements in the previous year. This year, we're pleased to present the following agents with our top professional honors for their sales performance in 2023.
Top 100
Angela Brenna, Bonnie Walker, Cannie Chum, Lindsey Itamoto, Megumi Nekotani, Stephanie Chan
Diamond Society
Julianna Strasser, Stephanie Chan
Platinum Society
Bernie Tong, Cannie Chum, Cari Tanabe, Megumi Nekotani
Sapphire Society
Angela Brenna, Bonnie Walker, Claire Chung, Cory Takata, John Quindara, Kristin Mukai, Lindsey Itamoto, Priscilla Walthouse, Richard Linke
Master's Circle
Anina Quaranto, Brandon Sakata, Doug Weber, Elaine Chow, Jeff Iwashita, Jodee Farm, Miao Woo, Michael Garcia, Michael Yoshino, Rina Shinagawa, Sandy Takeda, Scott Bell, Sean Santoki, Susan Lee, Tom Mukai, Ty Takamoto, Wendy Doana
Excellence Circle
Bryan Balisacan, Carolina Cristancho, Derrick Yamane, Dollcy Gebauer, Helgi Thorhallsson, Jana Tano, Karen Lau, Kevin Yu, Kumiko Burns, Lloyd Tanaka, Lore Woodley, Lori Villalpando, Nana Thain, Noa Hussey, Russell Nishimoto, Susan Onishi Andrade, Tha Smith, Young McTernan
Client Service Award
Anina Quaranto, Bernie Tong, Bonnie Walker, Brandon Sakata, Bryan Balisacan, Cannie Chum, Cari Tanabe, Carolina Cristancho, Cory Takata, Doug Weber, Jeff Iwashita, Jodee Farm, John Quindara, Julianna Strasser, Kristin Mukai, LeeRoy Kusto, Lindsey Itamoto, Lloyd Tanaka, Megumi Nekotani, Nana Thain, Nathaniel Forbes, Noa Hussey, Sandy Takeda, Scott Bell, Sean Santoki, Stephanie Chan
Locations Foundation Volunteer of the Year
Wade Uehara
2023 Foundation Angel
Cory Tsuda
Premier Title and Escrow Top Referring Agent Award for 2023
Angela Brenna
Hawai'i Mortgage Group Award, Top Referring Agent for 2023
Stephanie Chan
Congratulations to these select agents, and all of our Locations agents who are dedicated to the success of their clients!
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