Quantcast Congratulations to our Outstanding Agents in 2024 | Locations

Congratulations to our Outstanding Agents in 2024

Every year, Locations celebrates our agents for their career achievements in the previous year. This year, we're pleased to present the following agents with our top professional honors for their sales performance in 2024.

top 100

Bonnie Walker · Cory Takata · Stephanie Chan

diamond award

Claire Chung · Cory Takata · Sandie Choe-Yamasato · Stephanie Chan

platinum award

Anina Quaranto · Bonnie Walker · Cannie Chum · Dollcy Gebauer · Jeff Iwashita · Julianna Strasser


Dimana Uzunova · Jodee Farm · John Quindara · Kristin Mukai · Megumi Nekotani · Nicole Choi · Patti Takayama · Priscilla Walthouse · Russell Nishimoto · Sandy Miyamoto · Tha Smith

masters circle

Angela Brenna · Bernie Tong · Cari Tanabe · Cory Tsuda · Elaine Chow · Karen Lau · Leesa Fergerstrom · Lindsey Itamoto · Lore Woodley · Miao Woo · Rina Shinagawa · Tom Mukai

excellence circle

Ayumi Yamane · Bernadette Hanna · Brittney Woo-Marquez · Dancetta Feary · Doug Weber · Gary Murakami · Glen Fujihara · Jordan Aina · Kevin Yu · Kimiko May · Kumiko Burns · Laycee Pasion · Lloyd Tanaka · Mai Suiso · Melody Rutherford · Michelle Takushi · Michael Yoshino · Nathaniel Forbes · Sean Santoki · Ty Takamoto

client service award

Anina Quaranto · Bernie Tong · Bonnie Walker · Cannie Chum · Cari Tanabe · Cory Takata · Cory Tsuda · Dimana Uzunova · Dollcy Gebauer · Jeff Iwashita · Karen Lau · Kristin Mukai · Leesa Fergerstrom · Lindsey Itamoto · Lore Woodley · Miao Woo · Priscilla Walthouse · Sean Santoki · Stephanie Chan

Congratulations to these select agents, and all of our Locations agents who are dedicated to the success of their clients!