Quantcast Get Your Home Noticed with Locations' Online Ads | Locations

Get Your Home Noticed with Locations' Online Ads

Selling your Oahu home? Did you know that 93 percent of homebuyers begin their search online? That’s why Locations has partnered with Adwerx, the worldwide leader in digital marketing, to provide the most online exposure possible for our clients’ homes.

How does Adwerx work?

Adwerx identifies local homebuyers who are searching for a home online, and then advertises Locations listings on the websites those potential homebuyers frequent—covering 96 percent of the Internet, and Facebook and Instagram.

How does Adwerx benefit YOU, as the seller?

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When you list your home with a Locations agent, your listing will be seen online by anyone within a 15-mile radius of your Oahu home who is also searching online for real estate. What’s more, if those potential homebuyers click on your home’s listing, ads for your home will follow them around the Internet as they visit various websites, including CNN, YouTube, Yahoo, Fox News, KHON News and more. They’ll see your home on Facebook and Instagram, too!

When your home is advertised by Locations on the Adwerx platform, you’ll get daily reports sent to your inbox that compare your listing’s online performance to other properties in the same price range and neighborhood.

At Locations, our agents are committed to selling your home faster and for more money by dominating the online real estate market. Learn more about how Locations agents will market your home.

Ready to see for yourself how listing with Locations will get more potential homebuyers looking at your home? Contact your Locations agent to learn more.